Dyagnosys Health Analytics Logo

Our Team

Building a healthier, more resilient workforce through world-class AI and clinical expertise.

Our multidisciplinary team combines expertise in artificial intelligence, healthcare, clinical research, and data science. We work collectively to uncover actionable insights, tailor solutions, and drive meaningful improvements in mental well-being across organizations worldwide.


Vitor Calvi

Vitor Calvi, Coach, MSc, MBA

Chief Executive Officer

Evandro Temperini

Evandro Temperini, MSc

Chief Operations Officer

Luiz Celso Calvi

Luiz Celso Calvi

Chief Marketing Officer


George Teodoro

George Teodoro, PhD

Professor of Computer Science, UFMG

Daniel Macedo

Daniel Macedo, PhD

Professor of Computer Science, UFMG

Renato Ferreira

Renato Ferreira, PhD

Professor of Computer Science, UFMG

Keiller Nogueira

Keiller Nogueira, PhD

Artificial Intelligence Researcher, UFMG

Carlos Leão

Carlos Leão, B.Sc

Information Systems Backend Developer, UFMG


Flavio Kataoka

Flavio Kataoka, PhD

Mental Health Researcher and Director at Univertix Academy

Janine Lopes Carvalho

Janine Lopes Carvalho, PhD

Psychologist and Education Expert

Rafael Rodriguez Polakiewicz

Rafael Rodriguez Polakiewicz, PhD

Healthcare and Technology Educator

Celeste Dias

Celeste Dias, PhD

Psychomotricist and Educational Innovator

Marcella Gouveia

Marcella Gouveia, MSc

Health Sciences and Cardiology Specialist

Natália Tomich

Natália Tomich, PhD

Expert in Immunology and Molecular Biology